Sunday, September 28, 2008

Well if that's love, it comes at much to high a cost...

I've been going through a few life changes the past 2 weeks.... Where ever I've been, I've been training. The 2nd half of my life is gone now and I'm starting from scratch. From this I've realized the friends I pushed away in the process over the past 2 years.... Now I have a life again..... Ive been going through a hard time recently but the only outlet for me is to express it through dance. So on Thursday, everyone better be ready to see a true example of dancing from the heart...

Some people express themselves through writing or talking to someone.... Personally, Something that involves and consumes your body is the finest and most meaningful way to work through something. Every ounce of me is quivering to get these feelings out and once they're released to the world, only then will I be rejuvenated...

So remember next time you feel like your world is crumbling around you....You will always have someone to lift you up back into the world...sometimes you have to look for them, but they will find you.... and no matter thing that No One can take away from you..... is dance

"And if I'm flying least I'm flying free...."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

So I'm in Corpus Christi right now for Hurricane Ike! This is pretty exciting!