Friday, June 27, 2008

PostCards are in!!

We have our ADs for PCD!!!! expect to see hundreds of ads all over the area!!! let me know if you want some to hand out!

"... but the will to change is in and of itself a renewable resource..."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bye Bye Miami!!!

I'm so glad that Miami trash on SYTYCD is GONE!!!! she needed to evaporate in one way or another....

Anyone who is interested, BDC will be offering up FREE contemporary classes (taught by me!)to help grow our student numbers!!! contact Jacqueline at 212.518.1888 for details!!
My diet is going well....i've been sticking to it for 2 days now.....dont laugh, it's the longest i've stayed on a diet!!!

Off to go eat my leaf now...Ta Ta!!

"you don't know me...and you don't wear my chains..."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So I misses the 1st 30 minutes of So You Think You Can Dance last night and Thayne danced in that 30 minutes :-(  So Far my favorites are Thayne and Kourtni L.  my runner ups are Joshua (one of my old students!) and Kerrington! That would be my ideal Top 4! I'll be working tonight for the results show, and I have to miss class :-(   A re-cap of my favorite dances (that I saw) from last night........ Kourtni L.'s Viennese Waltz was breath-taking!!! a wonderful and classy nod to the last great Hollywood dancer, Cyd Cherisse ( who died on Tuesday).  and I also liked Twitch and Kerrington's gave me chills!!! Josh did WONDERFUL in his Broadway number!!! I would like to state for the record that I was his Musical Theatre teacher!!! Okay... off to go buy veggies and fruit and yummy healthy things!!! 

"....A desert road from Vegas to nowhere...."

Twitch & Kerington's Viennese Waltz

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So I got some studio time today to work on some Contemporary choreography....and OMG 4 months is a LONG time to go without dancing!!! I was so out of breath (mind you it was a full 6 minute song).  So I have decided to get back into my old eating ritual. Light meals throughout the day, carbs before I dance or work out, protein for a majority of my diet, and NO MORE SODAS!!!!! Soda and the dollar menu are my enemy. Yes it's convenient, but SOOO not worth it. I'm not saying I'm fat or have gained weight, it just makes me feel winded and unclean. So here's to a new eating regimen!!!!

"But you were history with the slamming of the door......"

It's All Coming Back To Me Now...

I have come across the opportunity to teach again and I couldn't be any happier!!! I'm teaching Contemporary and Musical Theatre and Body Conditioning at BDC NYC. I have some great things planned for these classes and alot of emotional dancing in the Contemporary class. It's a brand new studio and we are always looking for more students so we can grow! We are doing some promotional things in the community that will put our studio out there and show NY how different we are!

"Look at my name in black and white...maybe i'm doing something right!!!"