Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Come See Me!

All I Want For Christmas!
At the David Blackburn Southern Palace Theatre
Six Flags Over Texas
Nov 28-Dec 23
Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Dec 26-Jan 4

5 shows a day!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Six Flags

As most of you already know, I am performing at Six Flags Over Texas for Holiday in the Park... Im with an AMAZING cast in the David Blackburn Southern Palace Theatre an a show called "All I Want For Christmas"
I'm taking a sabbatical from teaching at PCD while I'm doing this show...
My shows are every weekend (Fri-Sun) starting Nov. 28th....then EVERY DAY from Dec 26th-Jan4th

I will let all of you know when auditions for Summer at SFOT are..... and I expect to see all of you there (if ur 16 or over!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


When life gives you lemons........sell them for rent money

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brush up your Shakespeare...

In this industry, you have to think of YOU..... It's taken me this long to learn this....

I have been a manager at a restaurant, host, veterinary technician, sales person, CEO of my own company, even mowed lawns for a while.... and why?

I didnt put myself out there.......

I was trying so hard to please other people and support them that I forgot where my heart was.... on the stage....

There are PLENTY of opportunities for dancers/singers/actors in this area, so that's NOT an excuse!

You MUST audition and apply for EVERYTHING you see.... even if its being a sheep in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.... make sure EVERY director and choreographer knows your name.... NEVER EVER do something stupid and back out of an opportunity someone gives you... There is a black list in theatre, and every director has an updated copy.... Impress EVERYONE, you never know who's watching....

For example... I dont like doing hip-hop AT ALL...I think I look funny doing it, but now I'm assisting in workshops and people are actually telling me I'm a good hip hop dancer??...
Cruise lines ALWAYS have auditions!
Theme Parks ALWAYS have auditions!
Regional Theatres ALWAYS have auditions!

AUDITION FOR EVERYTHING! Even if you just go for the experience...they will remember your face next time.....

Take care of your body and WORK......you may have to look for these opportunities but they ARE there! Go on craigslist under "Jobs"....there's ALWAYS something there!!!! (just search Dance, Dancer, actor, etc...)

You can always contact me if you need help finding something....I will help you find it, and put a good word out, but YOU are what they want......

You have a talent that should never be taken away from this privileged undeserving earth....so don't hide it....and don't let ANYONE make you keep your talent from the world....I made that mistake....and I've learned....

There will always be a place in the sky for your star.....you just have to reach for it

Friday, October 3, 2008

A New Life

Life will throw you curve balls at the most inopportune time. I've learned that all you have to do is find something to get you through it. My outlet: Dance.....

Always live each moment as if it's your last....don't dwell in the negative.....that's no way to get through

"No other Road, No other Way.....No Day But Today"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Well if that's love, it comes at much to high a cost...

I've been going through a few life changes the past 2 weeks.... Where ever I've been, I've been training. The 2nd half of my life is gone now and I'm starting from scratch. From this I've realized the friends I pushed away in the process over the past 2 years.... Now I have a life again..... Ive been going through a hard time recently but the only outlet for me is to express it through dance. So on Thursday, everyone better be ready to see a true example of dancing from the heart...

Some people express themselves through writing or talking to someone.... Personally, Something that involves and consumes your body is the finest and most meaningful way to work through something. Every ounce of me is quivering to get these feelings out and once they're released to the world, only then will I be rejuvenated...

So remember next time you feel like your world is crumbling around you....You will always have someone to lift you up back into the world...sometimes you have to look for them, but they will find you.... and no matter what...one thing that No One can take away from you..... is dance

"And if I'm flying solo....at least I'm flying free...."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

So I'm in Corpus Christi right now for Hurricane Ike! This is pretty exciting!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Classes have changed!

Hello all! Adult Contemporary has moved to Thursday nights from 8pm-9pm! We have some new students and they're FABULOUS--They'll fit right in!!! We are working on the emotional Rhianna piece in class and around November we will start to learn a contemporary Christmas piece!!! Hope to see you all next week!!!

REMEMBER!--Thursday Nights 8-9 !!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


My old student, Joshua Allen won So You Think You Can Dance! .....enought about that

Classes will resume in 2 weeks! (the whole studio will be closed) So enjoy your time off, because when you get back it will be 3 weeks worth of HARD WORK!!!! We started AMAZING new choreography last Tuesday and I look forward to all of you learning it!!!

"Not all who wander are lost..." -J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chelsea Traille from SYTYCD

Just got home from class with Chelsea Traille from SYTYCD... She was one of my favorites from the beginning!!!! She is a brilliant artist. Video below (sorry about the stupid watermark thing)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Night's Class

Started the dance to "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" and it is UHMAZING (for lack of a better word!). I was really impressed with the dancers, AGAIN. There were some that really stood out for me too! we're in the works of having a Beginner Contemporary as well as the current class. The class is just getting too big and there are some different technique levels that would look better if they were grouped together! no big deal! EVERYONE did an outstanding job!! watch for the vid coming soon!!

p.s. here's the CUT version of the song!! CD's for everyone on Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1st Class

My first class teaching at BDC was AWESOME! I had nearly 12 people in there (I was expecting 4!!) and we started a routine by Kelly Clarkson (gag me!) but it's a BEAUTIFUL song!....and soon to be a Beautiful dance!! I think everyone liked the warmup! 30 minutes of WONDERFUL HELL is how one girl described it to me afterwards :D I will have a video up soon of the dance once I finish it!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

CNN Get Fit, at Taste of Dallas festival

So...... 104 degrees.....outside....... AWESOME!!!
Park Cities Dance with CNN present GET FIT!

Friday, June 27, 2008

PostCards are in!!

We have our ADs for PCD!!!! expect to see hundreds of ads all over the area!!! let me know if you want some to hand out!

"... but the will to change is in and of itself a renewable resource..."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bye Bye Miami!!!

I'm so glad that Miami trash on SYTYCD is GONE!!!! she needed to evaporate in one way or another....

Anyone who is interested, BDC will be offering up FREE contemporary classes (taught by me!)to help grow our student numbers!!! contact Jacqueline at 212.518.1888 for details!!
My diet is going well....i've been sticking to it for 2 days now.....dont laugh, it's the longest i've stayed on a diet!!!

Off to go eat my leaf now...Ta Ta!!

"you don't know me...and you don't wear my chains..."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So I misses the 1st 30 minutes of So You Think You Can Dance last night and Thayne danced in that 30 minutes :-(  So Far my favorites are Thayne and Kourtni L.  my runner ups are Joshua (one of my old students!) and Kerrington! That would be my ideal Top 4! I'll be working tonight for the results show, and I have to miss class :-(   A re-cap of my favorite dances (that I saw) from last night........ Kourtni L.'s Viennese Waltz was breath-taking!!! a wonderful and classy nod to the last great Hollywood dancer, Cyd Cherisse ( who died on Tuesday).  and I also liked Twitch and Kerrington's Waltz....it gave me chills!!! Josh did WONDERFUL in his Broadway number!!! I would like to state for the record that I was his Musical Theatre teacher!!! Okay... off to go buy veggies and fruit and yummy healthy things!!! 

"....A desert road from Vegas to nowhere...."

Twitch & Kerington's Viennese Waltz

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So I got some studio time today to work on some Contemporary choreography....and OMG 4 months is a LONG time to go without dancing!!! I was so out of breath (mind you it was a full 6 minute song).  So I have decided to get back into my old eating ritual. Light meals throughout the day, carbs before I dance or work out, protein for a majority of my diet, and NO MORE SODAS!!!!! Soda and the dollar menu are my enemy. Yes it's convenient, but SOOO not worth it. I'm not saying I'm fat or have gained weight, it just makes me feel winded and unclean. So here's to a new eating regimen!!!!

"But you were history with the slamming of the door......"

It's All Coming Back To Me Now...

I have come across the opportunity to teach again and I couldn't be any happier!!! I'm teaching Contemporary and Musical Theatre and Body Conditioning at BDC NYC. I have some great things planned for these classes and alot of emotional dancing in the Contemporary class. It's a brand new studio and we are always looking for more students so we can grow! We are doing some promotional things in the community that will put our studio out there and show NY how different we are!

"Look at my name in black and white...maybe i'm doing something right!!!"